IT Experts Glossary

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Windows Bitlocker is like a digital superhero cape that protects your computer and data from any digital villains who try to sneak in and cause chaos. It's a powerful encryption...

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Data Retention

Data Retention

Think of data retention as your company’s digital vault where all of your data, email, and other digital assets are stored and protected. Retention will archive all of your...

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Retention vs Backup

Retention vs Backup

Data backup is like a safety net that catches you when you fall, while data retention is like a vault that keeps your most precious belongings safe and sound. Backup protects...

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Windows Autopilot

Windows Autopilot

Picture this: you just got a brand-new computer, but instead of having to set it up like a puzzle with a million pieces, Windows Autopilot is like having a personal IT genie who...

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